简介 | Biography
Yang Jun

杨 骏
Yang Jun


AI Algorithm Engineer

Full Stack Developer

教育经历 | Education
中国科学院 | Chinese Academy of Sciences

博士研究生 - 信号与信息处理专业 | PhD Candidate in EE

计算机方向Program-10(跨学科课程兼修计划) | Program-10 (Interdisciplinary Course with Certification) in CS

三好学生 | Merit student

学术交流月一等奖 | First prize of academic exchange competition

科研实践奖 | Scientific research practice award

学业奖学金 | Academy scholarship

北京工业大学 | Beijing University of Technology

本科 - 专业电子信息工程(实验班)专业 | B.Eng. in EE

新生奖学金一等奖 | First prize of freshman scholarship

三好学生 | Merit student

学习优秀奖 | Excellent study award

科技创新奖 | Science and technology innovation award

校数学建模竞赛一等奖 | First prize of school mathematical contest in modeling

美国数学建模大赛二等奖 | Honorable mention in the international mathematical contest in modeling

工作经历 | Work Experience
阿里巴巴 - 达摩院 | Alibaba - DAMO Academy

算法工程师-机器学习实习岗位 实习获得A+评级 | Algorithm Engineer, Machine Learning (intern position) A+ Rank

竞赛经历 | Competition Experience

IEEE中国机器人设计大赛 金奖 | Gold award in IEEE China robot competition

生物特征识别开发者大赛 冠军 | Champion in biometrics developer competition

JDD全球数据探索者大赛 季军 | Third place in the JDD competition

魔镜杯 季军 | Third place in the Mojing cup competition